In the business world, big dinners with clients are a must. Fancy restaurants, serving meals that are supposed to be the best of the best, expensive wine and lots of talking: this is how it’s done, they say.” Done what?” you may ask: THE BIG MONEY.
Well, do these dinners a few times per week and watch in the mirror: premature aging, big extended inflamed gut, exhausted-looking face, and everything but an athletic-looking body.
Of course, if you are in your thirties, you can somehow handle this “get me rich dinners” much better than if you are in your forties and so on.
The truth is that this is exactly how it worked a few decades ago. Bond with your clients over a decadent dinner, make friends with them, and prosper. There is nothing wrong with this. However, in 2022 let’s do it smarter!
In the past, choosing to not drink at such dinners or opting for a light meal while paying attention to the ingredients was often considered “ not manly,” a“ sissy,” a “coward,” and more of those bullying attitude adjectives. But such mocking simply begs the question: WHY ARE THEY MAKING FUN OF THE DESIRE FOR HEALTH? They say they want the CASH, but HEALTH IS THE BIGGEST WEALTH!
Steak or fish or vegetarian or vegan choices whatever whet your appetite are healthy right? Even maybe you are in the 80’s fashion, and you skip the carbs, so it should all be fine and dandy, right? Not exactly. Excess protein consumed is usually stored as fat!
Moreover, in the later hours of the day, our bodies become less insulin sensitive, which means we spike our blood sugar easier with food. The higher our blood glucose is, the worst the outcome is: fat is stored in our tissues, and metabolic and organ damage occurs. The problem with elevated blood glucose is your organs( the liver, the kidney, the pancreas, and more) have to overwork to bring everything back to normal levels. But what happens if you make your organs work more than they should? They break down and prematurely age.
Hyperglycemia can damage the vessels that supply blood to vital organs, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, vision problems, and nerve problems. Other undesirable results are insulin resistance, diabetes, and more. Our body is highly adaptable, and it will do whatever it takes to maintain homeostasis, which includes normal blood glucose levels. In short, it might take a few decades till it reaches breaking point, but the damage will be already too significant!
Now, maybe, you skip breakfast or hit the gym on an empty stomach in order to compensate for “ last night indulgence.” These methods might help or make it worst! A spike ( blood sugar spike ) is a spike! And now you might be stressing your body again with those “ strategies.” WHY? You probably already had a lousy sleep due to your overindulging dinner, so your hunger hormone GHRELIN is elevated, which is already stressful to the body, add more stress with fasting or muscles stimulation on empty supply, and your CORTISOL ( stress hormone) goes over the roof! Long-term increased cortisol may increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, other chronic diseases, and weight gain. Cortisol may increase appetite and signal the body to shift metabolism to store fat. Lack of energy and difficulty sleeping are as well consequences of high levels of cortisol.
Business dinners are fun and should not be avoided in the name of our health. In fact, they should honor our well-being and support it! How do you do this? Well, there is ALWAYS something healthy on the menu: opt for it! Don’t overeat for whatever reason! Have this glass of wine ( if you feel for it, but don’t fall victim to the pressure of appearing “less manly” if you don’t consume alcohol), but drink it slowly, enjoy it, and don’t triple it. Skip the dessert or if you really have to have it, share it: bonding, right 🙂 ! Go for a walk after dinner to get your blood sugar at reasonable levels, and call it a day before midnight; nothing brilliant comes from an exhausted brain, and nothing boosts your cognitive performance as a GREAT DEEP SLEEP! You want the money: taking care of yourself is step number one towards such a goal. GREAT IDEAS AND UNLIMITED DETERMINATION AND CONSISTENCY ( all the tools you need for this big cash) come only from a thriving body and not a body struggling to maintain homeostasis.
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