Can money buy happiness? Well, I wouldn’t be so sure about that, it all depends on what you invest in. Would a five-star hotel with all the extras make you happy? Maybe, but if your blood pressure, for example, is continuously elevated and you can barely make it to the beach because your joints hurt or you are so unfit that the only sports you do are “watching other people playing sports”: I don’t call this enjoyment, rather a struggle. Let’s imagine you invest all those money in your health, and you get in your best shape possible, just once and for all you get there, where you always wanted to be in terms of how you feel in your own skin. How would this feel? Empowering, liberating, and suddenly this five-star hotel won’t any longer represent who you are because now it’s you who make everything around you sparkle.

I give you myself, for example. I spent half of my life feeling bloated, experiencing stomachaches daily, joint pains, brain fog, inability to focus, lethargy, low moods, and lack of motivation. Those symptoms began in my teenage years: quite young to feel like this already, right! I tried to buy my happiness by purchasing the newest fashion trends, going out to trendy restaurants, following the lifestyle trends, you might say. Still, I wasn’t comfortable in those cute clothes I bought with a bloated stomach, though I was relatively slim. I wasn’t enjoying those fancy meals as my stomach was always on pieces. I realized I was spending a lot, but on the wrong ideas. I needed to enjoy being in my body without pain and discomfort; only then could I enjoy anything else. Even with love, how could I give the best of myself to the person I love without feeling my best? I couldn’t!

The day I decided to invest in myself first, before splashing on all those items advertised to us and seen as “necessary” by society, was the best day of my life.
