Atkins diet was trendy in the last decades, but what are the long-term health consequences, and is it sustainable? There are many ways to lose weight that are unhealthy and will do more harm than good. The goal should be to get in your best shape possible not only on the outside but also on the inside and stay there till the end.


Low-carb diets such as Atkins and carnivore promote high consumption of protein as the main source of energy and replacement of carbohydrates. Is this really smart to do?

If the body is not provided with enough carbohydrates, it will be forced to convert proteins into sugars through the process called glycogenesis, which is done by the liver. Your kidney will be overwhelmed as well by the extreme amount of proteins. What happens when you make your organs work more than they should?: They age faster! What about our “second brain,” the gut? Proteins don’t contain fibre, so they can’t feed the friendly bacteria in our gut. Infinitely, your microbiome will be significantly compromised, resulting in brain fog, mood swings, and low moods. Lastly, how are your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels going to be on this protein overindulging? Not at their optimal levels, which once again results in premature ageing.


Many people tell me, “I love carbs, but they make me gain weight.” My question is, what kind of carbs? White bread, cookies, flour… You get the idea; I mean refined carbohydrates. Of course, your body won’t react well to those; they are stripped of fibre and contain no real nutritional value, and will congest your gut. What about if you consume simply cooked potatoes, rice, quinoa or fruits? How would those affect you? The outcome will be: better sleep, better recovery, better mood, better hormonal function, better digestion, and less hunger( because how much meat can you consume per day till you can’t see it anymore?)

The takeaway is don’t make your organs work more than they should.