How often are you lying in bed, thinking about the future? Or does the thought of it give you anxiety, and you simply avoid thinking about it altogether? Life has never been as fast, as evolving, as unpredictable! The main reason for this speedy transition is, by no doubt: TECHNOLOGY! And yes, it could be worrisome where we are heading at, but it is also exciting. The question is, are we prepared? Can we adapt to these lifestyle changes as fast as they happen?

AI is slowly but surely dictating many aspects of our life. Such as, you know it: SOCIAL MEDIA! Whatever platform you fancy, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, to name a few, the algorithm is doing everything in its power to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. Your attention span is getting shorter and shorter. Today we expect fast information, entertainment, and ideas agreeing with our belief system; otherwise, we simply: SCROLL! And if you are not only a social media consumer but also part of it as a creator, the algorithm is your commander!
On the other hand, it is kind of nice that there is “somebody” out there looking for your interests and delivering information, ready for you to feel entertained, less lonely, inspired, educated, and keeping up with trends and friends. So it’s a two-way street, and we need to learn how to navigate and use it to our advantage rather than adapting obsessive-compulsive behavour. Often we are in the same room with our closest friends and family members, the people who we love and who love us, and simply ignore them and take them for granted because they are there, right? But social media is moving fast, and so is our attention. We become less present at the moment but glued to a screen that presents us often a twisted reality.

THE INTERNET is brilliant! A life without it is simply unimaginable in today’s world. Education, information, news, and “reality show” has never been more accessible. But we need to stay grounded, aware of the fact that we can’t simply believe or trust everything we see online. We need to distinguish reality vs. “proposed reality.” Once we gain the skills to use technology to our advantage and not let us feel like part of the “MATRIX,” we will be in control. Should we fail to gain control, we become the victims, and our mental health will be undoubtedly compromised, followed by our well-being.