Do we really need to come to the point when we enter the doctor’s office and we hear the diagnosis such as your blood sugar or your cholesterol or your triglycerides are too high, your thyroid or your liver or your kidney or your heart are not properly functioning, etc., that we get the “wake up call” to change our lifestyle or commit to daily medications intake for the rest of our life? Absolutely not! There is such thing as a disease preventive lifestyle, and it’s not complicated at all!
People often believe that “living healthy” is boring, uneventful even, and requires too much effort. Some even acknowledge the way they live is detrimental to their health, but they say they choose to live “ perhaps shorter life, but a life full of joy!” What means a life full of joy in terms of how we feel? Isn’t it sleeping “like a baby,” waking up refreshed and energized just as in our 20’s, having the energy to do whatever we set our mind to do even if it is running a marathon or becoming more creative, productive, and intelligent regardless of our age ( yes it is possible!), living without headaches, aches, and inflammation? This sounds to me like living to the full potential!

The thing is should you choose the lifestyle of inflammation, headaches, aches, lousy sleep, and poor hormonal functioning, you will end up in some kind of a mess( disease, premature aging, and declining brain). So choosing the “ perhaps shorter life, but a life full of joy” is basically mission impossible! Why? Well, most likely, living in a constantly inflamed body will shorten your life span, but by no doubt would not be an enjoyable experience: body that doesn’t function properly becomes lazy.
What is the lifestyle of inflammation? To gain a deeper understanding of what inflammation is, you can read my brief and crisp article on the topic:INFLAMMATION: IMMUNE REACTION THAT IS SLOWING YOU DOWN. However, to shortly clarify here, it is living on highly processed foods often labeled as “healthy,” “low calorie,” “low-fat,” low-sugar,” “vegan,” “keto,” “paleo-friendly” and so on, overconsuming in general, which doesn’t always guarantee nourishment ( you could be easily overfed and malnourished), and simply ignoring your biological needs in favor of those “pleasure moments.”
Those “pleasure moments” are the byproduct of a very well calculated business model in which the main character is US: the consumers.
It works like this: provide highly addictive and highly inflammatorily “food” products which lead to ADD, brain fog, cancer, obesity, diseases of all kinds, basically a malfunctioning body, which at one point, sure enough, will break down, but hold on “they can fix it for you, so you don’t’ need to give up your “pleasure moments.” How could you be fixed? Medications! Just take your pills and carry on till you can, right?
This case scenario doesn’t need to be “ your story”! It is never too later to start living to the full, meaning give your body what it needs and watch this space: you might discover this superman you always admired at( your role model, the person you always wished to be) inside you.
Unlearn old habits which serve no purpose in the new world we created and learn to thrive and reach your optimal potential: press Plans