Simply said, epigenetics is activating or deactivating gene expression. Imagine playing piano, and your genes are the piano keyboard. By pressing the piano keyboard, you are manipulating your genes. It’s important to note that this is not gene modification. You are not changing the gene, you are changing the way cells read the genes.

How do you play the piano?

By living, you are playing the piano. Everything you do is pressing the keyboard. What do you eat, how much do you eat, when do you eat, the quality of your sleep, exercise, mental state, sun exposure, social life, those are just a few examples of what is influencing epigenetics.

The magic of epigenetics:

Epigenetic changes could be positive or negative. Let us suppose you do something that activates a bad gene you have. By changing this behaviour, you can deactivate the bad gene and activate a good gene. This switch in genes is the magic that once was believed to be impossible: Your genes are not your destiny!

How to manipulate your genes: epigenetics in action

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Simpler said than done, right! This expression is so overused and, in a way, misunderstood. What one person might consider healthy could be perceived as the opposite of another person. A great example is a big contrast in diets such as vegan, keto, low carb, and carnivore. All those diets claim to be healthy, and yet they contradict themselves. In my opinion and experience with all those ways of eating( I tried them all out of curiosity), the key is we are all individuals, and even though we share almost the same DNA, our gene expression is different. Thus, what might bring a positive gene impact for some could be detrimental to others. To take advantage of epigenetics, an individual needs first to understand his own biology.