Exercise is a great way to activate our detoxification system, maintain or improve our fitness levels, and even lose weight (this always depends on your diet, though), but how does exercise impact our brains? In fact, exercising is one of the best ways to prevent cognitive decline and boost brain activities. 

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals such as dopamine and endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy. Not only is your brain dumping out feel-good chemicals, but exercise also helps your brain get rid of chemicals that make you feel stressed and anxious. Exercise also promotes brain plasticity by stimulating the growth of new connections between cells in many important cortical areas of the brain, which is the definition of neuroplasticity. Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal.

 Stimulating our brain by learning new things, reading, engaging in intelligent discussions, and socializing are by no doubt excellent ways to keep our brain young, but physical exercise will bring your brain to a completely new level. It doesn’t have to be a two hours workout. All you need is an intense workout that you will enjoy, pump your heart and make you sweat. 

There are so many exercise programs out there, and it can be extremely confusing which one to pick, and also, they can be time demanding. The truth is all those programs are most likely effective to some extent, but are your fitness levels and personal goals taken into consideration? Just as with nutrition, I believe, exercise regime should be individual and personal. 

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