Epigenetics “above the genes“ is a process that determines switching on and off genes that don’t involve changes in DNA sequence. In simple words, your behavior on a daily basis( food intake, physical and mental activities, environment, etc.) dictates which genes would be on and off without changing the DNA itself. Until not long ago, scientists didn’t know about this process, which translated into the thinking that your genes are your destiny. Today thanks to the discovery of epigenetics, we know that we influence our gene expression by our lifestyle choices. We can silence a bad gene and never let it express its voice simply by doing the right thing for our individual biology.
Our food intake is one of the most significant factors in epigenetics. Have you ever wondered why one person will do, for example, a keto diet and get great results, while others will fail at it but will get great results from a vegan diet? Well, we might share almost identical DNA, but how our genes are expressed undeniably affects how our biology operates. Therefore, we can’t look at diets the same way we look at our oxygen requirements. We all need food just as oxygen, but which type of food would be ideal for an individual highly depends on their gene expression, biological mutations, and to some extent, their microbiome.
People are not simply aiming at living longer but having a better quality of life. Becoming aware of your genes expression and regulating it by your food choices and lifestyle is the simplest way to lead a life full of joy. For instance, knowing which foods raise your blood sugar above the norm and avoiding or limiting it to a minimum will translate into regulated blood sugar levels. Easy you might think, I will simply google which foods raise too much blood sugar! Well, this won’t work! Why? Because as stated earlier, it all comes down to biological individuality. Potatoes, for example, might be bad for one person or good for another. Even more, they might be good in a given moment( replacing muscle glycogen) or not ideal in another moment( too much of a good thing is still too much). The answer to longevity is the intentional manipulation of our genes through lifestyle.