Metabolic flexibility means your body can easily switch between the energy sources without any struggles. In popular diets such as KETO, the idea is you use fats for energy; in the CARNIVORE diet, you use protein for energy, and in the VEGAN diet, you use carbohydrates for energy. Maybe you don’t follow any of those “popular trends,” and you eat a balanced diet; in this case, you most likely use carbohydrates for energy.
If your primary energy source is carbohydrates, should you go “low carb,” you will experience symptoms such as headaches, cramps, sleep disturbance, and more: the so-called”keto flu.” Are you addicted to carbohydrates? Well, yes and no. If you don’t drink water for a few days, you might not survive; if you don’t sleep for an extended period of time: the same story, you might not survive. Those are not addictions; they are our life generation tools. Anyway, carbohydrates withdrawal symptoms are a real thing, and the reason is you are not metabolically flexible. In this case, your body can only use glucose for energy, and it cannot use fats for energy. The good news is, our body is extremely adaptable, and you can train it to become flexible when it comes to energy sources. Why should you bother doing that?: It’s a cool tool to have in your “health box.” Let’s say you are travelling and you can’t find something acceptable to eat. Would it not be nice if you can use your body fats storage for energy and not get into the trouble of headaches and “hangry” moods?


Exercise: Regular training—both strength and aerobic—directly counters metabolic inflexibility by addressing the two main offending factors. In the metabolically inflexible, it increases insulin sensitivity and restores the ability to burn fat. Certain training types, like intense intervals and long, slow, easy aerobic work, actually increase mitochondrial biogenesis—creating new mitochondria.

Intermittent Fasting: The most spread idea about intermittent fasting is that it should be at least sixteen hours or longer. In my experience, twelve to fourteen hours is absolutely enough, easier to do, and just as effective. By not consuming anything for those hours, you will help your body to utilize fat as fuel and allow your gut to rest.

Nutrient timing: Nutrient timing helps to provide the nutrients your body needs throughout the day, depending on your hormone levels and energy requirements. For example, utilizing starchy carbs at night and less sugar in the morning are excellent ways to increase your Metabolic Flexibility.