Pesticides are used on plant-based food such as fruits, vegetables, wheat, rice, corn, and more to control pests such as insects, rodents, weeds, bacteria, mold, and fungus. However, cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep can be directly dosed with pesticides to prevent pest infestation in the overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on factory farms. But perhaps more important is the extent to which animals are exposed to crop pesticides through their food. We are essentially dousing animals with food, typically with corn and soy, that contains so many pesticides that the animals feeding on it can have higher levels in their tissue than plants. Fish and seafood may also contain traces of pesticides if they are farmed or grown in areas where pesticides contaminate the water.

Ignorance won’t prevent the damage:

Pesticides are strongly linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, ADHD, cancers of the brain, breasts, prostate, testis, and ovaries, neurological disorders, Parkinson’s disease, childhood leukemia, lymphoma, asthma, and more. Reproductive harm from pesticides includes birth defects, stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, sterility, and infertility.

Immediate health effects from pesticide exposure include irritation of the nose, throat, and skin, causing burning, stinging and itching, and rashes and blisters. Nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea are also common.
In many cases, symptoms of pesticide poisoning mimic symptoms of colds or the flu. Since pesticide-related illnesses appear similar or identical to other diseases, pesticide poisonings are often misdiagnosed and under-reported. Immediate symptoms may not be severe enough to prompt an individual to seek medical attention, or a doctor might not even think about pesticide exposure.

Without the presence of pesticides, fields would be greener in every sense of the word. The soil would be healthier, erode less easily, and the surrounding environment would be safer for wildlife and plants trying to thrive.
It may seem like stopping the use of pesticides would result in more work, but that’s not true. It would just take a little more planning.

Pesticides are stored in your colon, where they slowly but surely poison the body.

To gain a deeper understanding of how to protect yourself from pesticides and optimize your overall health performance get your Plans now.