Plastic bottles were a solution and innovation. They provided us with survival. In some areas of the world, it is still the case, that the only way to get clean drinkable water is in a plastic bottle. However, this solution didn’t come without consequences. Plastic is a foreign chemical object that our body gets intoxicated from.

How does plastic affect our health?

Toxic chemicals leach out of plastic and are found in the blood and tissue of nearly all of us. Sadly, plastic is routinely found in a newborn baby’s blood and mother’s breast milk, making this an epidemic that we must counter. Plastic is an endocrine disruptor that negatively affects our hormonal system. These chemicals mimic our own delicate hormones, throwing them into disarray. Plastic does not break down quickly in our body; therefore, it is easily stored in our fat cells; with more toxins in our cells, the greater the chance of illness and disease.

Exposure to plastic is linked to :

birth defects
impaired immunity
endocrine disruption
unhealthy estrogen dominance
unexplained fatigue
memory issues
mood swings
accelerated ageing
hair loss
and other ailments

The good news is plastic exposure can be minimized to almost nothing with a little bit of effort. I annoy many of my friends and family with my insistence on “ I won’t go to this restaurant if they only offer water from a plastic bottle,” but it’s all worth it for me, and I set an example. People like examples, and when witnessing change for the better, they follow.

How to detoxify from plastic?

Add adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha and rhodiola to your diet and liver-helping herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion root. Eat an abundance of organic cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli and cauliflower are miracle workers to help guard and detoxify from those dangerous chemicals. Colon hydrotherapy, infrared saunas, when used correctly, juice cleanses, and castor oil packs applied to the liver can also be useful.

Plastic is not only harmful to our body but as we all very well know, it’s destroying our environment. By choosing, when possible the glass bottle, you will not only help yourself but the rest of us as well: our planet needs to survive.