We are living a fast-track life that it’s uncompromisable and demanding more than ever. Technology absolutely transformed our environment and created a reality, which was unimaginable to our parents. A reality that is in many ways brilliant and at the same time stripping us from what once was perceived normal. Becoming replaceable is something that many fear and are consciously sacrificing their health out of this fear. Our world changed too fast and in many ways for the better, but we need to learn how to thrive in this new world without exhausting ourselves. We need to evolve as humans together with the new technology.

Stress is probably the number one ageing factor. In fact, stress is not always negative occurring; we just need to learn how to manipulate this feeling rather than becoming a victim of it. Self-observation and self-analyze is the easiest way to understand what is taking us out of whack. For example, many people get unnerved when things don’t go according to the plan, even if this is something as simple as train delay or cancelled meeting. In this case, the individual needs to work on his patience and adaptivity. Becoming highly adaptable is a required skill in this continually evolving world we live in.

How to manipulate stress?

Exercise and make sure you sweat! I see so many people working out in the gym and leaving without breaking a drop of sweat. You need to make sure you sweat and also choose a workout that you enjoy. Doing something you force yourself to do is not what sport is about. Even if you never exercised in your life, there is a workout for you that you will fall in love with; you just need the right inspiration. Book your plan now: Plans

Clean your diet. Prepackaged food and fast food are overloaded with chemicals that confuse our hormones and cause overwhelming stress to the entire body.

Get rid of people and relationships that are negative and bring you down. Surround yourself with positive people who are driven and are constantly growing together with you.

Appreciate the small thing in life and express gratitude daily. Be kind even when the other side is rude: the perfect way to not allowed rudeness to turn into a stress for you.

Love yourself. To love yourself means you are kind to yourself, you are pushing boundaries, but you also forgive your failures without becoming your judge and punisher. Eating nourishing food, prioritizing your health, and happiness are all forms of self-love and stress prevention.