There are many different ways to lose weight, but many of which are extremely unhealthy. If certain lifestyle or way of eating makes you lose weight, it doesn’t necessarily translate into health.

There are many factors that one should take into consideration when choosing to trim down:

  • Am I covering my daily requirements of macro and micronutrients?
  • Is this way of living sustainable long term?
  • Am I happy doing this?
  • Do I feel comfortable in social events?
  • Am I stressed by doing this?

Those are just few of the questions to be answered….

Many people are convinced that they can go on a few weeks starvation (DIET) and then go back to their usual way of eating. And yes, you will lose weight, but probably you will sleep badly, you won’t be nice to be around (HANGRY is a real symptom) and once you go back to your old habits the weight will come back. Often people do this again and again and they think that this is how life is. How much better it would be if you once and for all figure out how to be in your best shape possible without yo-yo dieting and without all the confusions and frustrations?

Not carrying the extra pounds is not only about vanity. Choosing to be your healthiest is without a doubt the best way to prevent many of nowadays diseases: type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, physical and mental decline, hormonal imbalance … the list goes on and on.

Losing weight shouldn’t be a torture or painful, because you will not achieve anything through negativity. Therefore, with the right guidance, one should figure out a way how to achieve the desired transformation in a sustainable and positive way.