How many people do you know that actually take into consideration what kind of foods and food combinations agree with their biology? Probably not many. Most of us just follow the way of eating our parents and society implemented in us, and when physiological symptoms or disabilities start to show up, we simply do not link this to the impact the food we intake has on us.

 Science nowadays empowered us with so much knowledge, that we were unaware of even compare to the past 5 years. So, it is simply silly to rely on knowledge from the past. Our parents were not provided with the information we have nowadays about food, biology, and health. Should we desire to evolve as human species, we should be ready to adopt new ways of looking at food: It is not just energy supply, a way to pleasure ourselves or even entertain. Food is a very powerful tool, and misusing it by no doubt will damage our digestive system and, consequently, our entire system. 

As we are young, our digestive system can endure and fight a lot of abuse from eating the wrong food. Yet at one point, it all catches up with us and symptoms such as: brain fog, sluggishness, demotivation, lack of energy, mood swings, depression, constipation, bloating, stomach discomfort, weight gain, sleep disorder, hormonal disbalance, skin issues, pre-mature aging, high blood pressure, to name a few, become our “normal state and seen as part of aging.”

Today we know all these symptoms are not “normal aging” and they are self-inflicted. 

We ate the wrong food for decades, and we exhausted our own digestive enzymes, we blocked our intestines. What are the consequences? Malabsorption, leaky gut, most likely candida overgrowth, insufficient amounts of probiotics, and malfunctioning detoxification system. 

When you reach this point, you can eat the best quality of food, but you will not absorb it properly. On paper, it might look as if you are getting all necessary vitamins and minerals, macro and micronutrients, but your blood results show deficiencies. 

How is this possible? Are you old now? No, you abused your digestive system, and it is barely working now. The doctors would prescribe anti-acid pills, supplements, perhaps recommend vitamin infusions, medications to lower your high cholesterol or blood pressure, digestive enzymes, sleeping pills…. the list is long. They argue among themselves that this is part of aging. I am here to tell you this is not aging! These are the consequences of you abusing your biology. Should you take matters into your own hands and clear all the junk you have created in your body, your system will once again work flawlessly. 

Few examples:

I have never understood why when a person says, “I am depressed,” nobody looks at the state of their gut. The gut is where all anxiety, paranoia, and moods come from. About 90 % serotonin and 50% dopamine are made in our gut! Instead, the person gets antidepressants and gets addicted to them. Pills do not treat the cause; they can only treat the symptoms.

A person has high cholesterol, solution: He gets prescribed medications. How about he gets prescribed a way of eating to lower his cholesterol naturally? Yes, a way of eating, that is all it takes! But it is genetics ?!: No, it is not. Thanks to the latest discovery about epigenetics, we now know that we can switch on and off our genes through the food we intake, which means even if you have a gene that will predispose you to higher cholesterol levels, this gene could remain deactivated thanks to your own dietary choices. 

It is time to unlearn all we have learned about healthy eating and embrace all the new information provided to us about our biology and what a healthy human really means.