DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone naturally produced in the body from cholesterol, mainly by the adrenal glands. In turn, DHEA helps produce other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Natural DHEA levels peak in early adulthood and then slowly fall as you age. Low levels of DHEA have been linked to autism, arthritis, and depression.

Signs and Symptoms of DHEA Deficiency:

  • Fatigue and/or depression.
  • Decreased immune system function.
  • Decreased sexual desire (men and women)
  • Decreased exercise tolerance and loss of muscle tone.
  • Dry skin and eyes.

Many people have turned to DHEA supplementation because it has been shown to increase bone density, treat Lupus and depression, and decrease the risk for heart disease. Another potential benefit is increased muscle mass and stronger immunity. However, before reaching for supplements, which might cause side effects, we should try to increase DHEA in natural ways.

Guidelines to naturally increase DHEA:

Eat good fats with plenty of omega 3 fatty acids. DHEA is made from cholesterol, and your body makes cholesterol from healthy fats. You can get essential fatty acids from a variety of oils like cod liver, coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil, olive oil and eggs.

Increasing vigorous exercise in your exercise regime. This will not only combat weight gain but also enhance hormonal levels.

Get a Good Night’s SLEEP! Your adrenal glands not only create energy, they also manufacture DHEA. If you suffer from adrenal fatigue as most people do today, you may have trouble sleeping AND your adrenals will not be able to produce adequate levels of too little DHEA to support your daily activities.

De-stress your life. Stress increases levels of two hormones: insulin and cortisol. These two hormones are sometimes called “the death hormones” because when blood levels of cortisol and insulin remain high, they suppress the youth hormone, DHEA. Stress also depletes the vitality of your adrenal glands that produce DHEA. So take time to breathe deeply, meditate, and spend time with friends and family. One of the most effective ways to immediately boost your DHEA levels is to be touched (as in having a great hand, foot, body or head massage).

Cut out sugar. Sugar creates acidic blood. To be healthy your blood should be slightly alkaline. When your blood becomes acidic this sets the stage for fungal, viral and bacterial infections and also for imbalances like cancer and diabetes.        

Feed your thyroid and your adrenals by eating plenty of mineral-rich sea vegetables ( spirulina , chlorella : best taken  in pill form).

Always cook or culture cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage because they suppress the thyroid when they are eaten raw. Your thyroid is an active partner with the adrenals that produce DHEA so make sure it too is healthy.

We all want to age gracefully. Paying attention to your levels of DHEA is a great way to support yourself in healthy aging.

Overall, proper nutrition and lifestyle are the two key elements to finding your own fountain of youth.