Inflammation is the body’s immune system response to an irritant. The irritant might be a germ, but it could also be a foreign object.

Fast food, prepackaged food are all loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and additives, which our body sees as “foreign objects.” Simply said, fast food causes inflammation. 

The symptoms you will experience might be something you consider “normal” and part of your everyday life: 

-milder headache


-brain fog


-mood swings


-disorder sleeping patterns



– low mood


-stomach discomfort

– hormonal disbalance

-joint pain

-back pain

-skin issues

-premature aging

-chest tightness

-shortness of breath

Have you “learned” to live with those symptoms and accepted them as part of your everyday life, you might keep going like this, but this inflammation will sooner or later (sometimes it takes two decades) turn into disease. Ninety percent of diseases are caused by inflammation: cancer, diabetes, allergies, anti-immune disease, arthritis, infertility…. the list is long. 

Prepackaged food and fast food are designed to be addictive.So much so that often individuals decide that the short-term reward is worth the addiction. However, those foods are slowly but surely destroying your body.

I am confident I can help anyone to break these patterns and adapt to a new healthier lifestyle. 

Change can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be.