Neurogenesis is the amazing ability of the brain to grow new neurons.
Once, it was believed that this process was limited to a certain age. However, nowadays, we know that we can always stimulate the health and state of our brain through physical activities, environmental choices, and food intake. What are the best foods for growing new neurons?

Consuming blueberries regularly ( ideally every day) will help reverse cognitive decline, allow better communication among neurons, something called signal transduction, and protect against brain injury and stroke. This colorful fruit is packed with polyphenols, especially flavonoids. More specifically, the anthocyanin dye, which causes the dark blue color, crosses the blood-brain barrier to stimulate neurogenesis.

Our brain is nearly 60 percent fat. Fatty acids are among the most crucial molecules determining our brain’s integrity and ability to perform. DHA, one of the most essential omega-3s, constitutes about 30% of the brain’s cerebral cortex. As we constantly tear down, replace, and rebuild our brains’ cellular structures, we should consume high-quality fats to continuously rebuild our brains with the best fats possible, which are Omega-3s. 

Green tea supports neurogenesis and neuroplasticity(the ability of the brain to rewire itself.) The main benefits of this beverage come from an amino acid called L-theanine, which helps reduce stress and boost mood, and tea’s polyphenols such as EGCG, which increase BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Those two factors result not only in better brain health but also improve immunity, glucose reduction, cardiovascular benefits, cancer prevention, and anti-inflammatory effects. 

Curcumin( the primary bioactive substance in turmeric) is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, boosts BDNF, improves heart health, and prevents against Alzheimer’s and cancer. It elevates depression symptoms, which naturally follow from decreasing inflammation and increasing neurogenesis.